the story of vy + navin from stillmotion on Vimeo.
back on the blog.

Just Write.
Well friends, I've had some blogging commitment issues lately.
to make you laugh.

Help for Haiti

For those of us from the northwest, this one hits especially hard...
One of our own, Yvenson Bernard, former OSU running back and a native of Haiti, has reached out to former colleagues and friends to gather donations for his home country. Yvenson plans to travel to Haiti in two weeks and bring donations to the earthquake destroyed country. He wrote the following e-mail to request support:
Hello everyone,
As you have heard Haiti had a catastrophic earthquake this week. My family and I are from Haiti and much of my family is still living there now so I am starting a Haiti Relief Fundraiser. Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere, so relief is absolutely needed for survival!
We are accepting new hygiene products, all types of new and used clothing and shoes, as well as money donations. I am traveling to Haiti in two weeks to respond to this tragedy. All proceeds go to Haiti Relief! Any help would be appreciated! Thank you SO much and God Bless.
Donation drop boxes are at these locations:
Black Cultural Center
2325 NW Monroe Corvallis, OR.
Kappa Kappa Gamma
1335 NW Vanburen Ave. CORVALLIS, OR.
Today's Salon
425 W. 1st Avenue ALBANY, OR.
Possum Auto Body & Paint
136 Southwest 9th Avenue. Albany, OR.
Glamour Salon, Inc.
100 King St. S. Salem, OR
Taylor Real Estate & Mgmt
2295 Liberty St. SE Salem, OR.
Charitable donations:
Please make check payable to:
International Sports Agency
Children’s Foundation
P.O. Box 51508
Irvine, CA 92619
Yvenson Bernard
325 Valley Football Center
Corvallis, OR 97330
{info via:osu powered by orange}
PLEASE, PLEASE get out there and help. We are all citizens of the same world, and we all have an obligation to do our part.
For those of you outside the northwest, please help too!
More cites to donate through..
Text Donations
To make an automatic $10 donation to the Red Cross, text "HAITI" to 90999; the money will be charged directly to your cell phone bill.
{images via: nytimes}
Today is my 23rd Birthday.
- How lovely I feel when I’m dressed up
- How magical I think rainbows are
- How much I love driving with the sunroof open in the summertime
- The tears in my father’s eyes when he dropped me off at college for the first time
- How to create
- The many conversations my mother has had with me about taking care of myself
- How hard I had to work at my first job to afford my first car
- The day my brother left for the east coast and how sad my family was without him
- How excited I get around animals- even if it’s just the baby ducks crossing the road
- How fortunate I am to have such amazing girlfriends
- How thankful I am to be healthy
- How excited I am to be a mom- someday.
- How horrible it feels to break someone else’s heart
- The way that I feel when he looks at me
- How amazing it will feel when I complete my education in 8 weeks.
I'm looking forward to a great birthday and all of the magic, I'm hopeful, that 23 will bring.
...okay, i'm ready Kati...Bring on the anti-wrinkle cream! ♥
a tired tuesday.

Fabulous & Fascinating & Female

Some Boudoir Photos

The daily drop cap.

The Daily Drop Cap is a project by typographer Jessica Hische. Each day, a new hand-crafted decorative initial cap is posted for various publishing enjoyments and for the adornment of blog posts everywhere.
{discovered via: junkculture}
Take any kind of medication, unless I absolutely need it
Ever, under any circumstances, drive in the snow
Eat kiwi, or kiwi flavored anything, due to allergic reactions
Deal with bad customer service very well
Get my car washed or oil changed as much as I should
Lend my things out to others, very often
Drink milk
Like missing out on fun things
Agree that education should have to suffer due to state and federal budget cuts

I do:
Seriously HATE traffic
Always obsess about my safety
Really love old Hollywood movies
Make impulsive and spontaneous plans
Always decorate. My home is very important to me and my happiness
Wiggle my toes when I’m in uncomfortable situations
Love sushi
Love the smell of popcorn
Take really good care of my skin
Watch CNN & Read Forbes and Time magazine religiously
{image via: we heart it}
words from the wise.
minnie in vogue
Love Minnie! Love Vogue! And Love the elephants!
As for the spread...? Well I'm not too sure about it...
The photography and the composition are beautiful.
However, the's interesting, but sort of funny to me. I guess that's the point.
I'm going to think about this one a little more.

Fabulous & Fascinating & Female

♥ "Chance made us sisters, hearts made us friends" ♥
delicious. decor.
So, how does a lingerie boutique owner decorate?
“She takes her creativity, carves out three days (mainly for repainting her floors and furniture white), and sets her mind on transforming her bedroom into a lovely sanctuary for all things beautiful and pink. Alison did all of the work herself for this incredible result. Images on this post show her gorgeous, new bedroom.”
post- holiday eating stress

- Get moving. It may be the last thing you feel like doing, but getting the blood flowing is the perfect remedy for a food hangover. Think simple -- walking, light strength training, or yoga. Even a few minutes can boost your mood and your energy levels.
- Drink water. That bloating you're experiencing could be due to an overload of salt, which can cause water retention. Many holiday favorites contain way more salt than the body needs, so drinking extra water can help you get rid of the extra bloat.
- Eat lightly. After eating too much, you may be tempted to declare, "I'll never eat again!" You may also be amazed that you're actually hungry after all that eating. Starving yourself, however, isn't the answer. Nibble on light fare such as salad, soup, sandwiches and fruit to give your body nutrients without overloading it with calories.
- Make a plan. One of the worst side effects of eating too much is the guilt that comes after. Guilt is sometimes inevitable, but you can use that feeling to motivate you into something better. Make a plan for the next few days for how you'll get back on track with your eating and exercise. Just the act of planning can make you feel better...just make sure you follow through.
- Plan for the future. Last, take some time to think about the mistakes you made this season and what you can do to avoid those same mistakes in the future. Doing this can also help you make good choices more consistently so that overindulgence isn't a frequent problem.
rebel wishing.
I’m going to try a little experiment this year.
For Christmas I received $120 total in cash & checks.
I’ve been obsessing, to say the least, about this Canon Rebel camera ESO 12.2 megapixel for about…oh I’d say, two months now…
The only teeny tiny problem is… I unfortunately do not have an extra $575 just lying around somewhere. So…..(drum roll please)….
I am going to have to save the money, the good ole’ fashion way, and earn the camera myself.
Luckily, I am the kind of girl that wishes (and works) hard enough for the things that I want most in life.
In fact, my lifelong motto has always been “I usually get what I want in life...and if I do not, well…then I probably didn’t want it that much anyway…”
Here I come Rebel… only $455 to go!
12 days until I’m 23.
new years magic
Only a few hours into 2010 and I can already feel the magic!
I feel like 2010 has a lot in store for me this year. Here are some things I was thinking…
a canon rebel SLR camera.
Frequent donations (money or time) to charities
A career (not a 'job') offer with decent compensation
A move to Seattle
Trip to Thailand
Some toned arms. ...and maybe some legs, butt and abs...
Lots of laughter and good company