“I'll be living the fabulous life--two stilettoe'd steps ahead of the game..!”
happy 2010.
Today I had a thought.
martini...or two...
2009 Recap
What do we say? "Out with the old, In with the new"? I'm hoping that 2010 brings me a lot of good luck and cheer, but here is a look at what happened in my life during the year of 2009...
In 2009 this happened:
Saw Britney in Vegas
Had the worst summer of my life
Applied to many jobs, didn’t receive any offers
Thought about law school
Started to develop heartburn due to massive amounts of stress
Started blogging
Said “I love you” to my boyfriend, after 3 years
Lost a good friend
Decided to not go to law school
Decided I want to move to Seattle
Wrote an ad campaign
Still paying off the 2008 Europe trip
Had total of 5 roommates
Worked in marketing and public relations
Watched my younger brother leave home to the east coast
Became a better artist
Started downloading songs legally
Gained 10 lbs
Started reading again...for fun!
Watched all my friends graduate
Made new friends as a result of not graduating
Started my own interior design business
Dealt with a lot of difficult people
Learned some things from dealing with all the difficult people
Received a lot of great business advice
Started thinking about a job in sales
Threw fish at Pike’s Place Market in Seattle
Helped host a few career fairs
Bought a new computer
Went to Whistler and Lake Shasta with my sorority sisters
Worked a ton, but made hardly any money
Learned to sew
Took my last college exam
Celebrated a good friend’s engagement
hands-free oregonians.
It’s our turn, Oregon.
Beginning January 1st, 2010 Oregon will become a first-offense, cell-phone-and-driving, state. In Oregon, you will now receive a $240 ticket for driving with a cell phone in hand; you must be “hands free”.
Like that will really solve the problem of all the idiots on the road.
As Oregonians, our cell-phone experience will now consist of us imitating robots, and talking to imaginary people, with tiny devices that fit into our ears. All the while, forcing us to become more socially stupid, and still being idiots on the road.
I know. I’ve seen it firsthand. We look ridiculous.
I love when I experience a conversation with someone, and mid-talk they immediately begin having a different conversation, while remaining in front of me.
“Excuse me?” I say… because I don’t understand.
They continue their conversation as if they are brainwashed and being spoken to by aliens.
I get very confused and feel embarrassed for them. Until finally, I realize this person is not talking to me. They are speaking on the phone! Who knew…?
I feel like a fool.
But really, I try to remember, this person is simply cell-phone stupid.
Thank you to the Oregon legislature for allowing our state to join the fool-pool, where we can all wait to be diagnosed with brain tumors and act like social idiots. I can’t wait.
So, I got one. A Bluetooth. And after two hours and 45 minutes of trying to figure the damn thing out I finally have it hooked up and ready for January 1st. I guess I’m a pretty law-abiding citizen. Stay tuned.
W.T.F. kind-of-day.
Here's what happened:
Lady, I don't know? it's a debit card, I use it everyday....
Me: Well, no. I’m not by my computer right now and I cant remember.... Probably something on saturday? In Portland, Oregon.
Clearly, that was not an acceptable answer for her. We go back and forth about it for awhile. I get frustrated. Just tell me what the hell is wrong with my finances!
I start to get annoyed that I now have to deal with this mess.
I cried the whole way home.
Merry. Christmas. Everyone.
Let me introduce myself.
It's funny because I originally started blogging as a way to express my artistic self; both with words and images. I figured that my readers were all familiar with me and my life so I never took the time to tell the story of who I am.
Now, it seems my thoughts are reaching a broader community, make me incredible excited!
So--I realized for the first time, my e-mailers have a valid point.
Let me introduce myself.
Blogworld: meet Holly.
Holly: Welcome to blogworld.
Well, I am Holly- and I would say... I am pretty sassy. At least, I have my moments. Many of them. Hopefully though, in more of a delightful-kind-of-way.
I typically have a lot to say--okay, sometimes I can even be quite a smartass, but i DO admire the art of good conversation. I recently completed my bachelor of science degree in Interior Design with a minor in Art History from Oregon State University.
I am someone who is inspired. My talents include shopping, strategic and creative design, project management, Scattergorries and wine consumption. Yes, that is correct...Pinot Noir is specifically what I am best at.
Professionally, I am working in public relations for the tech industy in Portland, Oregon. Everyday I am learning the influences that technology, strategic communications and digital strategy have on our ever-changing culture. Life, truely could not get much sweeter and I am loving every minute! ...and that a computer can virtually do anything for you.
I also, among many other things, believe I have hit the jackpot in the lottery of fabulous families.
I am the oldest with a younger brother, three years behind me. I used to say 'little' brother, but well now...not so 'little' anymore. I remember how heart broken I was when I found out that he was not going to be a she... but now, I honestly, in a million years, couldn't imagine having a sister. My brother is my soul mate and I wouldn't trade him for anything. He teaches me things about the world, that I simply sometimes do not see. Things like having subjective opinions for literature and organized religion and the importance of disjudgement upon others. Which, to embarrassingly admit, I sometimes do too quickly and he is always the first to remind me of it. My brother is a different thinker than most. He is never rude and never politically correct, and that is perfectly alright with me.
My mom and dad are both incredible people who, I believe, have shaped me into the woman I am today. I get my stubbornness, morality and ugly feet from my dad and my work ethic, intelligence and perfect skin from my mother. oh, and also my hips. which is also, conveniently, my biggest self consciousness.
Lets talk about the women.
Uniquely about me, I believe, are the relationships I have with FaBuLoUs women. Let me be clear, the women in my life could rule the world; if allowed... Between my six aunts, all with hearts as large as their attitudes, my Tutu (my grandmother), my dozens of female cousins (remember: daughters of these aunts), my mother and hundreds of girlfriends throughout my lifetime, I've practically been raised by all woman.
With a dash of charming fatherly-influence, of course. :)
I strongly (yes, I do think strongly about many things) but, I strongly believe that because of all of them, all of them, I am the determined, ambitious, and independent woman that I am today. Well, lets just say... I have perfected the "sass". There is no question about that.
I do not believe in superficial relationships. What's the point? I continue to say that every relationship in my life has purpose and significance. My favorite thing about myself is my capacity to love others and I invest in my friends and family and depend on them to challenge, encourage and support me. And, I have learned to let go of those who do not.
I am in love with the man that I hope to marry, someday.
Let me just say that again...
I met, and began dating him, during the happiest time of my life and I truly believe that has made a real difference some days. I believe that is the secret to healthy relationship. Allowing yourself to have a good relationship with yourself before you can let yourself have a good relationship with others. In the past 5 years of which I have known him, he has taught me many things about myself. Some things good, some not-so-good, but mostly, good. I'd say the most important being to never give up on myself. To go after what I want in life and have confidence in myself that things will work out. Truely. We are exceedingly opposite, but most days that is what keeps us learning and incredibly happy.
I like to read--especially factual information, travel, build relationships and eat great food. I enjoy Bikram Yoga, painting, blogging and I sometimes get a stange satification out of spitting my gum out the window while driving down the highway. I am getting better at cooking, well let's just say 'more creative'. Although, I still hate to bake. I don't think, at this point in my life, I will ever get over that. I love, love puppies and all animals, really. I like to be busy and work hard, but I do love my lazy days, just. as. much.
If I could live anywhere in the world, I'd live in London. Not busy city, corporate London. But, instead, right behind the old bookstore along the seven-dial in Covent Garden. I would meet friends for lunch in famous pubs, photoshoot Kensington palace and Westminster Abby and ride the tube to work everyday. Although, come to think of it...I never did find a good sushi restaurant in London, so... possibly not.
I believe in happiness. I believe in positive thinking and metal strength. I believe in working hard, very hard and I believe in love. I believe in not giving up, BUT I do believe in changing your mind. Although I have had to talk myself in to this idea many times. I believe I am an old soul living in a youthful body.
I believe that art, subjectively ugly or beautiful... factual, it is a reflection of the world around us. This is something I believe to be true. Religion, politics, culture, music, economics, and social trends all contribute to how and why we create. It influences how we interpret and interact with one another. That. is. why. I. love. it. . . .
This blog is a cherished memory of my life. It is a reflection of my mind, experiences and interactions with the world around me. Over the coming years I hope to learn more about all of you, as I will continue to share more about me and what I am creating.
Thank you for being interested in me.
Sincerely--my dear friends,
give the gift of opportunity.
My Grown Up Christmas List.
dear so and so.
Completed Commercial.
The 'Health Group of Portland' will be renovated to accommodate a private, senior-health care administration office, fully equipped with new interior fixtures and system furniture.
The space includes a wide area and variety of work space with specified Knoll systems furniture, a large soft seating and reception area, lunch room and kitchen to accommodate approx. 30, five multi-sized conference rooms, and 10 custom designed CEO/executive offices.
This project features schematic design phase of initial creative concept, budgeting, material specifications, full sets of drawings; floor-plan, elevations, sectionals, lighting and electrical drawings, rendered perspectives and construction details as well as a full list of interior scheduling and installation costs.
We chose sustainable interior finishes that provide a luxurious impression but also inspire the great outdoors defined by Oregon.
Fairytale Lovers
Cinderella's on her bedroom floor
She's got a crush on the guy at the liquor store
'Cause Mr. Charming don't come home anymore
And she forgets why she came here
Sleeping Beauty's in a foul mood for shame
She says, "None for you, dear Prince, I'm tired today
I'd rather sleep my whole life away
Than have you keep me from dreaming"
You're so worried 'bout the maiden
Though you know she's only waiting
On the next best thing, next best thing
'Cause what else could you do with seven itty-bitty men?
Sends them to bed and she calls up a friend
Says, "Would you meet me at midnight?"
Says, "Would've cut it myself if I knew men could climb hair
I'll have to find another tower somewhere
Keep away from the windows"
Man made up a story, said that I should believe him
Go and tell your white knight that he's handsome in hindsight
But I don't want the next best thing
Happy. Hollydays.
And, due to the lack of financial strength that my wallet has been experiencing lately...I warned everyone in my life that they are all getting homemade gifts this year.