what i know for sure.
I can tell you:
1. The cuter the shoe...the deadlier they usually are.
2. I have officially boarded the career choo-choo train. Things are going a little slow right now but work is all I can think about...
3. I have become very addicted to my blackberry. Wait, crackberry? Actually, come to think of it--that happened before 'big girl life'.
4. I am excited about making new friends at work!
5. It's important to aviod I-84 as much as possible duing the hours of 7-8:30 a.m. and 5- 6:30 p.m.
6. Not only is caffine essential to my energy levels but it also puts me in an excellent mood.
7. Now I can understand why my mom comes home every 6 months and says "I need a vacation"....
8. Paying bills and organizing things like doctor and dentist appointments can be a very daunting task.
9. I am very much a routine/scheduling kind-of-person. It's just how I like things... also, I am learning that I perform very well under pressure...
10. On a more positive note: I love my new job and I am ready for summer!
getting settled.
Thank you for being patient with me this past week has I get settled into my new job, city and living situation. I am almost completely moved home and have worked 50+ hours at WE so far!
I am on my way to my brother's birthday party for the evening but PROMISE to fill you in tonight when I get home and will continue to actively and regularly update my blog.
I hope everything is going great with all of you! Yay to those of you who took time to celebrate spring break, especially if you went someplace with sunshine.
I can't wait to share everything I've learned this week. I will see you back here soon.
Take Care!
a new chapter.
It hasn't hit me yet that everything will be different, but I know it's coming. I'm a little sad, kinda nervous, anxious and overwhelmed but mostly very excited for the new phase of my life.

{image via: weheartit}
delightful postsecret project.

featured artist.

Part of the reason I starting this blog was to recognize and commentate about other artists. To those of you apart of an art industry, you understand the importance of exposure to the community. It is my intension and delight to recognize other artists so we can learn from and inspire one another.
I want to congratulate my good friend Matt Burns on his first Art show, which took place this past week. He is currently finishing his Bachelor of Fine Arts and displayed his work to introduce himself as an artist to the community.
MB’s works are mostly influenced by the culture and content of urban street art. He is incredibly talented, aware and passionate about what he creates. Although most of his work is produced in acrylic and spray paint, he is an artist of many mediums including: drawing, photography and tattoo art. This past month Mb also donated a piece to help raise money for Haiti.
Congratulations Matt Burns. Your talent and artistic outlook on our culture will provide a bright future!
Here are some of his featured pieces…
If you are interested in more information, email me and I will put you in contact with him.
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Senior skip day.

Kids say the darn'dist things.