
simple delight.

Q. Who’s your favorite revolutionary and why?

A. Frank Gehry: Comes from the school of thought that by being ourselves and finding our own way makes us experts in our own work. Gehry revolutionized modern day architecture and design by demonstrating independence and finding his own way. He created a culture of design. He teaches his students that believing in ourselves: our own design {and work} will allows us to live a full-life.

Q. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A. An architect (or most specifically, Barbie dream house designer). I used to spend HOURS creating and coloring floor plans to accomodate her luxurious living-style.

Q. Who’s your inner rock star?

A. Miranda Lambert. Mostly when I work-out—I swear she kicks my ass better than any trainer!

Q. What is your number one pet peeve?

A. I’m not a huge fan of sarcasm. Clever wit, definitely—sarcasm, not so much...

Q. Which reality TV show would you most likely try out for?

A. American Idol so I could take my Miranda Lambert talent on the road!

Q. Drink of choice?

A. Jack D and Diet!

Q. What was your first paying job?

A. Childcare—the PERFECT afterschool job: done by 6pm and no weekends!

Q. What is one item you couldn’t live without?

A. My glasses/contacts. I am so blind! I can’t do anything, if I can’t see…

Q. People would be surprised to know what about you?

A. I have awful road rage. It's really bad actually....

Also--i am obsessed with fish tacos!

Q. Worst phobia?

A. I get pretty bad travel anxiety. I always turn into a crazy person when I travel. Also--this is so random, but I hate hallographs; the texture makes me cringe...

Q. When I’m not working, I’m most likely…?

A. Playing! I come from a long family line of FUN. Wine tours, weekends at the gorge, the mountain, beach with friends and family—wherever we can go to have a good time! We can sleep when we’re dead…

Q. Favorite childhood memory?

A. I learned how to drive when I was 3 years old, on my dad’s lap in the parking lot of GI Joes. He used to always take me out for frozen yogurt in the evenings and then we’d go to GI Joes and take a spin around the empty lot—been driving ever since!

Q. What would be your last meal request?


Q. What is your favorite karaoke song?

A. Diana Ross, Can’t Hurry Love or Aretha Franklin, I Say a Little Prayer For You.

Q. What’s your favorite gadget?

A. To be honest—I don’t really have a favorite right now. However, I’m sure that will change with a new mobile purchase!

Q. What’s your favorite story?

A. Linnea in Monet’s Garden. Read to me by my third grade teacher, Mrs. Baker. About a little girl who discovers her love for art in Monet’s Garden, in France. Because of that book, I fell in love with art and expression we create based on the world around us. Monet’s paintings, to me, look like heaven...

Q. If you weren’t in PR , what would you be doing?

A. I keep laughing about the fact that I’ve done enough research on mommy-bloggers, I could literally be the best mommy-blogger ever! But, there’s one tiny issues with that—I’m not a mommy…

Q. What is the first thing you’d do if you won the Lottery?

A. Pay off my student loans! I swear that was the worst day when I realized I had to pay back all the fun I had in college. Why does fun have to cost so much money??

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