

remember the anxiety i described in this post?
it was decided that i was in need of some changes. i'll try not to bore you with too many details, but here's a quick run-down of my life since we last left off.

holidays came and went. used two weeks of vacation time. it was great.

attended my first company holiday party. sorority sisters annual panty exchange. got some cute Ugg boots from C for christmas.

on tuesday, december 28th i got in a car accident that almost took my life.

decided i needed to grow the hell up and make things happen for myself.
so i ran a 5k...

bought a pretty new {safe} volvo...

rang in the new year with some great friends.

celebrated my oh-so-young 24th birthday.

got pissed at myself for not accomplishing some goals i had set for myself, exactly one year ago...

so. quit my full-time job as an office clerk to become a public relations intern.

on valentines day, began my new life as an intern. met the other rockstar interns. started my account rotations.

6 weeks into the program--6 weeks to go: continue to be inspired by my colleagues and the work we do everyday.

risky. but well worth it.

so there ya go.


little girl at heart.

I may be a well-respected, young professional but i still....

sINg really loud in the shower

sLeeP in mom & dad's bed when they go out of town

cOVer mY eYEs during the scary parts of movies

LoOk bOTh wAYs before crossing the street

dANcE when nobody's watching

use my iMAginAtiOn everyday....


you know you're in the right place when...

You drop your family off at the airport at 4am for a long weekend in wine country--and come into the office to find this on your desk....

My team is the best--they make coming to work worth it!

Cheers to my family and their fun weekend.

And cheers to me--I'd say I made the right choice.


a reminder for my monday.

Good morning my lovely readers,

Great news--i've decided to give DS a nice, big jump-start! I will be spending my weekend brainstorming new content and updating my life.

But for now, here's a monday moment...
{i'm especially fond of the part that reminds me, 'what the hell are you doing'?}

I've been busy taking risks these past few months--more to come soon.

Happy monday!


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